The encouragement and spiritual support that Holy Cross Chapel offers is invaluable to those in Downtown Houston. How can you help the Chapel to serve those who visit, pray, and learn here? Through your Participation, Dedication, Time, Prayer, Charity, and Support. Your offering makes it possible for Holy Cross Chapel to be here. It is not a parish and has only its visitors to sustain it. Your help is needed and greatly appreciated.
General Gifts and Donations
Holy Cross Chapel operates with support from the Diocesan Services Fund (DSF). Our DSF subsidy covers only a portion of our day-to-day operating expenses. We must raise an additional $100,000 each year to make up the difference. Any gift over $1,000 may be pledged over several years. If you would like to make a general gift or a capital campaign gift to the Chapel, please contact Fr. Michael Barrett at 713-650-1323 or simply e-mail us at
Make a Pledge to the Building Campaign
Thus far, we have raised $3.6 million towards our total campaign goal of $4.3 million. The remaining funds to be raised will go directly toward the new Chapel, offices, classrooms, and meeting rooms.
Parish Pay
Flower Donations