Mass Intentions

12/16 11:35 Diana Salazar & Priscilla DeLeon +

12/17 11:35 Ashlin and Tom Joseph

12/18 11:35 Felix & Concepcion Macapaz +

12/19 11:35 Astro Miloti +

12/20 11:35 Saphir Allen

12/23 11:35 Pedro & Telesfora Inres +

12/24 11:35 Heleno Batista +

12/25, 26 & 27, 2024 Christmas Holiday

12/30 11:35 Jeffrey Roberts +

12/31 11:35 Poor Souls in Purgatory +

01/01/2025 New Year’s Day Holiday

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Ministers Needed!

God does call each of us to some form of ministry, and God will give us all that we need to answer that call. All we need is a willing heart and a love of God.

♦ We are in need of many to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass.

♦ Those who are gifted to speak publicly should consider becoming lectors.

♦ Others should see themselves called to serve as Ushers.

Please consider how God is calling you to one of these liturgical ministries. Sign up forms are available at the Security Desk.